Friday, March 25, 2011

The Begining

I'm starting this blog at the encouragement of my best friend who said she wanted a book of all the things my kids say, because it's pretty funny. This is going to document my misadventures as a military mommy and my accidental conservationism. I did not mean to turn into a crunchy granola eating crazy recycling person, but here I am. I knew it was a slippery slope when I bought my Subaru. As my friend Amanda would say, only lesbians and hippies drive those.
First my garbage stopped fitting so easily in my garbage can, so I started utilizing our recycling bins. We lived in Washington at the time.
Then the birth of my second. She's a bit, uh, difficult. She had terrible diaper rashes and some moderate eczema so I could only use the huggies supreme on her. After realizing her diapers were costing us upwards of $60 a month I decided to revisit the cloth diaper issue. It turns out cloth diapers are not at all what they used to be. I started with bum genius and my love of cloth diapers blossomed from there. Sure, they're a bit of work, but not that much. They're cute and they hold up much better than disposables. It was then that I realized convenient doesn't always mean better. Then I started making my own wipes. Oh yeah, I'm sliding right down that slope.
Also I breastfed both my girls for the first year and I'm nine months into my third.
Once I became pregnant with my third I decided to visit the issue of natural menstrual products. Oh yeah, I went there. If this grosses you out you may not want to read any more of my blogs because I'm going to get a lot more detailed than this.
My intention wasn't to be 'green', but rather my cloth diapers hold up so nicely, perhaps the same is true for pads and cups. Also I'm becoming more and more convinced that my tampons were part of the cause for my reoccurring monthly discomfort issues, so I dived right in. I ordered myself a whole bunch, probably too many, lunapads.
Also, my three year old has food allergies. Dairy, eggs, and peanut. Nothing severe, thank goodness, just enough to make it a real pain when she does get it. This means we've also altered our diet a bit which means I eat some organic hippie food as well.
But I don't give a damn about trees and whales, so I think I'm still safe.
To recap, I have three kids; six, three, and nine months at the time of this post, in case I glossed over that.