Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lilly and the F Bomb

I'm a baaad mom. I cuss like a sailor probably because my mom was one and and I married one and sometimes it's hard not to. Yesterday, for example, I interrupted my breakfast to change a poopy diaper. I tell Nicole "hey, watch my coffee!" as I dart out with the poopy diaper to dispose of it. Not two seconds later I hear my coffee being pounded on the coffee table. "Fuck!" I exclaim from the other room. 
A couple of hours later Nicole was watching TV and Lilly says "Nicole, will you play with me?" sweet as she could be. Nicole says "No" and Lilly throws her hands in the air and walks away saying "Fuck!" Ah, oops. 
I had to punish her for it, of course, but it's really hard to keep a straight face.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nicolisms: About Swearing

So today's conversation went like this: I'm making baby food and I spill some on the counter. "Spadoinkle!" I say. (Cannibal: The Musical fans will recognize this word) Nicole says, "Mommy, I know that's a bad word, but what happened?" 
"No, honey, spadoinkle isn't a bad word. I use it in place of bad words. Bad words mostly have four letters"
"And start with C"
What?!? Please tell me she means crap.