Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I love that little spitfire even though she routinely tests my patience and never, ever, ever, does what she's told without some form of protest which is enough to make me cross eyed a lot of days.
I was tucking her in tonight and told her to have sweet dreams and she said:
"I don't have sweet dreams when I have bad days. I have nightmares."
"Why was today bad?"
"Well, I have bad days on days I've been bullied."
"Who bullied you?"
"You know that boy. I told you about him. Roberts (I'm guessing it's Robert, but she insists the 's' is in there)."
"How did he bully you?"
"Well, when I talk to him he just covers his ears and doesn't listen!"
"Lilly, that isn't polite, but that's not bullying. He just doesn't want to talk to you"
"Well he also tells his brother that I'm a bully!"
"Lilly, that's not bullying"
"He says I pick my nose and eat it!"
"Do you?"
Quietly "Yes. But I don't like to be made fun of!!!" 
"Okay, Lilly, that isn't very nice of him, but you have got to stop doing that, especially at school. It's gross and you'll get made fun of."
Completely undeterred, "I wrote him a note that said 'You are good' and gave it to him and he just crumpled it up!"
Awww, now I feel bad for her!
"Sweetie, what did you do? Did you tell him that wasn't nice?"
"I told him he hurt my feelings! And he said he didn't care" and then she burst into tears.
Aww, I love that little spitfire. Even though I almost immediately tripped over her shoes she left in the hallway and then found the lunchbox she, once again, didn't empty out.
This is all the funnier because Nicole was just relating to me at dinner about an older girl who got in their face and yelled at them, and Lilly didn't recall that at all, but that little boy who dares to not be her friend? Well, we can't stand for that.

Typical Day

A Day in the life.
Aric the boy is potty trained, but he's only three, so he can't be trusted wiping his own butt. 
I wipe red glitter.
This is one of two things,
1) He got into his sister's glitter lip gloss. Again.
2) He got into my glitter glue. Again.
I tell Nicole, "Hey, I wiped Aric's butt, I found red glitter. Whatever red glittery lip gloss you owned is no more"
"I don't have red glitter lip gloss"